Abstract Art

H.E.R "Submerged"

Medium: Crochet Yarn, acrylic, paint, buttons, crystal stones, healing crystals, white silica sand and silver sheets on canvas

Size: 51cm x 51cm


I’m drowning,
The wave of words said and unsaid pulls me deep down the dark sea.
I’m drowning,
Being your anchor has become to heavy to swim in storm that is our life.
I’m drowning,
The doubts and the uncertainties that is our life together is becoming too much to bare.
I’m drowning,
We are both paddling in opposite directions and water is sipping through the cracks
Through me a life boat, I’m about to be completely submerged under the water.
I’m drowning no more, the clouds has parted and the storm is no more, sinking is not an option, I finally learned to swim


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